Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 28

Jem and I were walking home from the pageant and we thought Cecil Jacobs was trying to scare us like earlier. Not much later we were attacked by Bob Ewell and Jem broke his arm. Boo Radley, whom I didn't recognize at first, saved us both and killed Bob Ewell. Jem is going to be fine, but we are all surprised.

Chapter 20

Mr. Dolphus Raymond showed us the paper bag he drinks out of. He let Dill taste some of the drink and I warned him not to drink to much. Mr. Dolphus Raymond then told us it was cola and he purposefully acts like a drunk. He exaplined to us that he does this as a reason for being married to a black women and being around blacks.

Chapter 15

Aunt Alexandria is accusing Atticus of bringing disgrace to the family name and they are arguing about the trial. The next night we snuck out of the house and saw Atticus sitting outside the prison where Tom Robinson was. A group of men looking to lynch Tom Robinson arrived right when we were leaving and were trying to get past Atticus so they could get Tom Robinson. We guilted them into going home and saved Atticus from the mob.

Chapter 14

A lot of people around town are talking about us, and not in a good way. Aunt Alexandria says we shouldn't go to the colored church anymore and to get rid of Calpurnia for some reason. Jem and I got in a fight cause he thinks im antagonizing Aunt Alexandria. Later that night we discovered Dill hiding under my bed. He said he felt ignored by his parents and took a train to our house.

Chapter 12

I found out Dill is not coming to Maycomb this summer. Bummer. He said in a letter he has a new Father. Atticus is a member of the State legislature and they got called into session. He has to travel to the capital everyday for 2 weeks. Calpurnia took us to a colored church, and it was interesting.

Chapter 8

Wow! It snowed in Maycomb and we got off of school! We took snow from Miss Maudie's yard and made a funny snowman that looks like Mr. Avery. Atticus said to change it so it doesn't look like him. Unfortunately, Miss Maudie's house burnt down that night and we watched it burn down. I also found out Boo is the one who put the blanket on me that night! I don't really know what to think.